Lenny and Luke

The heartwarming story of these two pups is one of our favorites. They lived on a deserted beach with their pack and their reclusive 90-year-old dad. Once it was discovered that they needed assistance, staff and volunteers of NAC made weekly visits to check on both the dogs and their human, bringing food, medications and even water. The old man loved his pets, but was all alone and living in extreme poverty. One day, he fell ill and ended up in the hospital. Sadly, he never made it back home. We retrieved the “beach dogs” as we called them and they were placed into foster care. The others found homes quickly but we did not want to separate Luke and Lenny as they had already lost so much, and they appeared truly bonded with each other. Like twins, they were inseparable. We kept looking, trying to find them a home willing to adopt them as a pair. A perfect home was finally found and they were taken to Canada where they now wear sweaters and enjoy laying by the fire pit. A perfect ending for these sweet boys.

Success Stories

Success Stories
Louieā€™s story is one of a kind... Through the many surgeries he
Success Stories
Pure breed dogs are not exempt from abuse and neglect. Sadly, Kira
Success Stories
Sophie was found abandoned in the street. She was small, fragile and
Success Stories
The heartwarming story of these two pups is one of our favorites.
Success Stories
We received a call about a dog that looked like "a hairless

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