
NAC Education Program

NAC’s education program, Super Dueños began in 2014 with the goal of teaching school-aged children the necessity of treating animals with compassion.

Our objective is to seed an observable culture of compassionate care for pets. We concentrate on the youngest in our communities with hope that they will carry this knowledge and culture with them as they grow. Our goal is to generate an impact that spreads to other family members and neighbors. We seek to increase the understanding of the responsibilities that we all have to our companion animals. Discussions during the program focus on animal health needs, safety and protection requirements, the benefits of spaying and neutering, and the knowledge that animals deserve to be treated with kindness and respect.

Within the school year we conduct the ”Super Dueño R” curriculum with 3rd grade students in all public and private schools of the Nosara District. This includes a total of 13 different schools in the communities of Barco Quebrado, Delicias, Garza, Guiones, Nosara, Santa Marta, Santa Teresita and Ostional.

Children complete the program over the course of three workshops, using educational materials from the National Association for the Protection of Animals (ANPA).

During the workshops, we pull from experiences that the students share with us. We discuss their beliefs and knowledge on different topics and reinforce them or modify these concepts with more structured guidelines when needed. The workshops are dedicated to talk and debate as the children learn about animal health and quality of life for our pets, along with our duties as their caretakers. Through discussion, activities, reading, and art projects, the students learn valuable knowledge and are encouraged to explore possible ways to improve as pets owners. The children receive a certificate of completion at the end of the program.

Shortly after the program, a spay/neuter clinic is scheduled in the community where the school is located. We believe that when the children have a greater awareness of the benefits of animal sterilization, they will bring this information home to their parents and likely increase participation in the upcoming clinic.

Education Topics

Our main objective with this program is to promote empathy, compassion and responsible pet ownership. We seek to increase understanding of the tasks and commitments we all have to our companion animals. The focus is on animal health, protection, sterilization, and treating animals with kindness. The program empowers the kids to share their knowledge and become animal advocates among their friends and family.
