
Louie’s story is one of a kind… Through the many surgeries he endured, and the complications along the way, Louie showed us the true power of resilience. He has a spark for life, that kept him going against all odds. Louie overcame one of the most aggressive types of cancer and had two large tumors removed. The one on his leg was making it impossible for him to walk, and the one on his neck was interfering with his ability to swallow. He had anemia, Ehrlichia and rotten teeth, but even when he must have been feeling terrible, Louie was always the sweetest and happiest dog. He never complained and kept on fighting for his life. Doctors to this day can’t believe he is still alive. He was in foster care for 11 months, and was finally adopted! He is a spoiled pup now, sleeping in bed with his forever mama and having beach walks daily.

Success Stories

Success Stories
Louie’s story is one of a kind... Through the many surgeries he
Success Stories
Pure breed dogs are not exempt from abuse and neglect. Sadly, Kira
Success Stories
Sophie was found abandoned in the street. She was small, fragile and
Success Stories
The heartwarming story of these two pups is one of our favorites.
Success Stories
We received a call about a dog that looked like "a hairless

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